The Whitemud Landscape Center: Return Policies

For the immediate future the Whitemud Landscape Center will not accept returns on any product. All sales are final unless explicitly stated otherwise or affirmed by the owner.

The Whitemud Landscape Center asks that all customers ordering bulk products (rock, soils, mulches etc) ensure they are certain the quantities and type of product are correct. There will always be variation with natural products and such variables are subject to change from load to load and day by day. Products with the same name from two different retailers are not guaranteed to be similar.

We ask that all customers purchase only the required quantities for their projects. Consultations are available to provide customers with help through the estimation process, but the Whitemud Landscape Center will not be held accountable for shortages or overages arising from these estimations. The customer is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the estimated and ordered products match their intended design and plan for their project.

In the event that upon delivery products are found to be damaged, the damage must be photographed in-situ and The Whitemud Landscape Center notified as soon as possible.